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New Cannabis Regulations go into effect IMMEDIATELY!

There’s big news in the California Cannabis world today! The three main regulatory agencies for cannabis in California (the Bureau of Cannabis Control, Department of Food and Agriculture and Department of Public Health) announced that the Office of Administrative Law officially approved state regulations for cannabis businesses across the supply chain from cultivation to retail. These regulations go into effect immediately and replace the existing Emergency Regulations.

These new regulations impact every aspect of the legal cannabis business in California. It will be critical for existing cannabis businesses to understand how the new regulations affect the operation of their businesses. For potential new entrants to the market, traversing these new regulations will be key to successfully starting a cannabis business in the huge but complex California market.

Over the coming days and weeks, I will be providing analysis of some of the key changes in the new regulations from the emergency regulations. Please keep returning to McConnell Law Firm News and Updates page for frequent updates.

The BCC’s press release is here.

You can find each departments new regulations at the California Cannabis Portal.

Nothing in this post constitutes legal advice or representation. Please contact me directly to discuss how these new regulations impact your specific business situation.

© McConnell Law Firm 2019

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